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[기사] 간삼건축, ‘타이니 리조트’로 세계 3대 디자인 어워드 수상
[Article] Gansam Co.,Ltd. won three major design awards worldwide for Tiny Resort
On November 18, 2024,  an article was published in Maeil Business Newspaper about Gansam's outdoor leisure stay brand, Tiny Resort, winning the IDEA Grand Prize at the IDEA awards.    [Go to the article] Maeil Business Newspaper - Gansam won three major design awards with ‘Tiny Resort’     Mobile modular timber house 'ODM'   Modular block system 'FRIENDS'     ■ Want to know more about Tiny Resort? - [Article] Chosun Biz | Gansam Co.,Ltd launches outdoor leisure mini-resort brand ‘Tiny Resort’ - [Article] E-Daily | Gansam Co.,Ltd, the designer of ‘Goseong Hwajinpo Resom’... penetrates ‘Wellness’ - [Article] C3KOREA | Gansam Co.,Ltd won IDEA 2024 Grand Prize with ‘Tiny Resort’
[수상] 간삼건축, ‘2023 IDEA 디자인 어워드’ 본상 수상
[Awarded] Gansam won the Featured Finalist from ‘2023 IDEA Design Awards’
Work by Gansam ‘50’   On the 15th, Gansam announced that they won the Featured Finalist for MQ’s work ‘50 & The Table’ from IDEA(International Design Excellence Awards) 2023. Gansam recreated visual materials generated during the design process into works with various visual and sensuous expressions by architects through Mr.Q project since 2021. ‘50′ and ‘The Table,’ which won the IDEA Featured Finalist, were also produced by architects of Gansam, Yujin Seo and Hyungjin Cho through the Mr.Q project. ‘50′ was recreated by combining Gansam’s design plans for new Hanyang University Hospital building with 50 round plates of 200 mm in diameter.   Work by Gansam ‘The Table’    ‘The Table’ was recreated by transfer printing isometric images of five architectures designed by Gansam on ceramic plates. Utilized images are Paradise Cimer, Aqua Planet Yeosu, Aloft Seoul Gangnam, Namsan N Tower office facility in Chungmu-ro, and detached houses in Pyeongchang-dong. Taijip Kim, CEO of Gansam said, “This award is the result of the architects' passion and efforts full of experimental spirit," and added comments, "I am glad that Mr. Q's work, one of the projects that Gansam continues to attempt to expand the scope other than architecture, has won the prestigious award. We will continue to propose new ideas and values."   ■ Source - Chosun Biz_ Gansam won the Featured Finalist from ‘2023 IDEA Design Awards’   □ Related article - Daehan News_ Gansam won the Featured Finalist from ‘2023 IDEA Design Awards’
[수상] LG 아트센터 서울·LG 디스커버리랩 서울 '제41회 서울특별시 건축상' 대상
[Awarded] LG Art Center Seoul and LG Discovery Lab Seoul won the grand prize from ‘The 41st Seoul Architecture Awards’
On August 3, 2023, LG Art Center Seoul and LG Discovery Lab Seoul won the grand prize from . A total of 106 high-quality works (26 from public, 80 from private) were submitted and The LG Art Center Seoul and LG Discovery Lab Seoul, designed by Gansam and Tadao Ando Architect & Associates, is a building planned as a public contribution when R&D complex was developed in Magok district, Gangseo-gu, and received a good comments for its excellent completeness in terms of planning, program, and construction as a private cultural facility with high publicness.   It received high scores for its organic connection between urban streets, Seoul Botanic Park, and subway stations, and the variability of stage and sound, which presents various performances. In particular, it won the grand prize in recognition of creating an architecture for the high-quality cultural facility for all citizens in Seoul.    will be presented with the opening event of the ‘15th Seoul Architecture Festival 2023’ on Friday, September 1, and the winning works will be exhibited at the Seoul Hall of Urbanism & Architecture from Friday, September 1 to Sunday, October 29, 2023.    
[수상] 간삼건축, '제24회 대한민국브랜드대상' 산업통상자원부 장관상 수상
[Award] Gansam, awarded the prize by Minster of MOTIE at the 24th Korea Brand Awards
On the 15th December,  Gansam was awarded by Minster of MOTIE(Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)  at the 24th Korea Brand Award held in Seoul. 
[수상] 분당 두산타워  ‘Emporis Skyscraper Award 2021’ 수상
[Awarded] Bundang Doosan Tower won the ‘Emporis Skyscraper Award 2021’
Designed by Gansam, Bundang Doosan Tower ranked the 5th in the ‘Emporis Skyscraper Award 2021’.   Located at the entrance of Gyeongbu Expressway, Bundang Doosan Tower shows its dignity with a huge mass and it has become a landmark of the city as a symbolic building embracing the value of Doosan Group.       Go to see Top 10 Emporis Skyscrapermporis Skyscraper       
[수상] 앰배서더 서울 풀만  ‘2022 한국리모델링건축대전’ 우수상
[Awarded] Ambassador Seoul Pullman win the Excellence Award from ‘2022 Korea Remodeling Architecture Award’
In September 2022, Ambassador Seoul Pullman Hotel won the Excellence Award from the 16th Korea Remodeling Architecture Award 2022. Professor Kwansoo Kim of Kyung Hee University, who took charge of a judge, rated high the fact that the existing old hotel was completely remodeled and transformed into a new hotel.       
[수상] 2022 국가서비스 대상 건축 디자인 부문 3년 연속 수상
[Award] Gansam won the Award in the Architectural design part for 3 consecutive years in the 2022 National Service Awards
  [Award] Gansam won the Award in the Architectural design part for 3 consecutive years in the 2022 National Service Awards Giving impressions to people through constant efforts to find new possibilities of architectural design   Gansam Co., Ltd. (CEO Taijip Kim) won the Award in the Architectural design part for 3 consecutive years in the 2022 National Service Awards. Gansam is leading a new architectural culture while focusing on the key nature of architecture under the value of ‘delivering happiness to society through architecture by designing creative and interesting spaces.’ Gansam creates a synergy effect by operating various subsidiaries including Gansam Business Initiative, ODM, Gansam Life Design, and Co-Village, which cover the entire construction process and plan to make the project successful. Based on the expertise, it is leading the advancement of architectural culture in all fields, including medical facilities and data centers as well as office buildings, which is its main field. Gansam has become a brand beyond just a design company, based on the systematic preparation for people, organizations, and process. With the motif of 'provide more than architectural design,' Gansam is creating new demand with unprecedented new business categories.                         Awards ceremony of 2022 National Service Awards held in Seoul Swiss Grand Hotel on 14th       Article URL of Korea Joongang Daily  
[수상] 간삼건축, '제16회 ESG 우수 기업 컨퍼런스' 우수기업 수상
[Award] Gansam won the Excellent Enterprise Award from the 16th National ESG Excellent Enterprise Conference
On July 1st,  Gansam won the Excellent Enterprise Award from  the 16th National ESG Excellent Enterprise Conference held in Seoul.         
[매거진] 월간디자인_유네스코가 선정한 2021년의 건축디자인  '갤러리아 광교' 쇼핑몰 부문 우승작
[Magazine] Monthly Design_ The Architecture Design of the year 2021 designated by UNESCO, Galleria Gwanggyo was selected as the final winner in the shopping mall category.
Monthly Design vol.524 The Architecture Design of the year 2021 designated by UNESCO Designed by Gansam, Galleria Gwanggyo was selected as the final winner in the shopping mall category.   UNESCO announced the final winner of the Versailles Architecture Award for innovative architecture.  Designed by Rem Koolhaas' OMA and Gansam, Galleria Gwanggyo was selected as the final winner in the shopping mall category for the huge rock and organic design of windows winding around it.  
[수상] 한화 갤러리아 광교, ‘2021 프리베르사유’ 중앙아시아 쇼핑몰 부문 수상
[Award] Gansam won the prize in the Shopping Malls Part in Central Asia, Prix Versailles 2021
      Co-designed by Gansam and OMA, Hanhwa Galleria Gwanggyo won the prize in the Shopping Malls Part in Central Asia, Prix Versailles 2021       The Korea Herald  Archinect  Archdaily  
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