Hyojoon Kim
  • Design Division
  • Architect
  • KIRA

He carried out projects of various scales, including office facilities, education and research facilities, and training centers. He is an architect who sees buildings from the perspective of users and satisfies them. He is becoming an architect with the idea that architecture is a vessel that ccaptures the memories of the land.

  • 2021삼성전자 평택캠퍼스 마스터플랜
  • 2020김포공항 국제선 주차빌딩
  • 2018중앙대학교 310관(100주년 기념관)
  • 2018한국과학기술원 학술문화창의관 및 도서관 리모델링
  • 2016행신종합사회복지관
  • 2016동아쏘시오홀딩스 상주인재개발원
  • 2012대한생명 구리사옥
  • 2010동국제강 본사사옥