Kyummo Koo
  • Design Division
  • Architect

He learned that the architect should suggest a space like a tailor-made suit that fits the architecture to people rather than fitting people into the architecture. He strives to create architecture that harbors sincerity as a space that perfectly suits the place where the architecture is created and the people who live there. He wants to grow into an architect who embodies nature and the individuality of people in architecture and values harmony in all processes of creating it together.

  • 2022종로 숭인동 민간임대주택
  • 2020현대일렉트릭 SMART FACTORY
  • 2020수원컨벤션 지원시설(코트야드메리어트 수원)
  • 2019제주국제공항 리모델링
  • 2018김포공항 국내선여객터미널 리모델링
  • 2015계성고등학교
  • 2015이태원 영빈관
  • 2015국립중앙도서관 본관 리모델링
  • 2009광주과학기술원 학제융합연구동 및 기숙사
  • 2008제주 Casa Del Agua