
  • 페이스북
  • 트위터
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The-K Insurance Building Renewal

The K Insurance building, constructed in front of the Royal Ancestral Shrine in 1982, needed an upgrade as an office standing between the 500-year history of the Joseon Dynasty and the rapid changes of the modern era. We chose 'substantial repair,' a method of regenerating an existing reinforced concrete building with minimal intervention, to reconstruct it into a building that enables natural and free communication from the past to the present and future. Inspired by the definite horizontal line of Jongmyo Shrine and the verticality of its corridors, we expressed the beauty and solidity of simplicity revealed after removing and carving out various components. For busy modern people who are often insensitive to even the changes in weather and seasons, we introduced the principle of 'Jeongok Iryeo' (a building and a garden are one) and constructed a frame in which the garden is seen like a painting when looking at it from the building. We also captured the landscape of the Royal Ancestral Shrine to create a space that embraces the largest garden in the middle of the city that connects the city, nature, and 500 years.

  • Client
  • Location
    Site Area
    Gross Floor Area
    Total Floor
    B3, 12F
    Building Area