
  • 페이스북
  • 트위터
  • 블로그

TOYO KOREA Head Office

The land for this building, located on the back of Teheran Street, was designated as the Urban Design District and various restrictions relating to urban development plan such as the public open space and maximum height of the building were applied. It was designed to express the image of the engineering company while securing existing office space. As it can be noticed from the location and shape of the land, the mass of the office space is located on the northern side and the core was laid in parallel with the office space to show the composition of the mass from both inside and outside. The open lobby and sunken garden constructed as a small park forms a balance with the tree space to provide a small resting place. The interior also used natural materials friendly to people to give a cozy feeling and create a balance with the technical elegance of the modernity felt from its appearance. The simple and clear core and office space enhances the efficiency of work through the plan design that increases user convenience and use of the space.

  • Client
  • Location
    Site Area
    Gross Floor Area
    Total Floor
    B2, 10F
    Building Area