
  • 페이스북
  • 트위터
  • 블로그

Korea Life Insurance Head Office Annex Building

This is a remodeling project intended to reorganize the business facilities, banquet facilities, cafeterias, and ancillary banquet facilities, which were mashed into each other in the annex building of the 63 Building, into business facilities on the first floor and programs centering on conventions on the second to fourth floors. The large banquet hall and the small banquet hall were reorganized into various scales and structures so that the small hall can function as an auxiliary room for the large banquet hall when necessary by adjusting traffic lines and locations and repairing stairs and elevators. The shared spaces with the view of Hangang River, such as lounge and garden terrace were also reorganized in size and location to diversify their use. The interior was designed to create an environment-friendly banquet space in a downtown region on the theme of water drops, flowers, forests, and clouds. Although there were not enough data on the building status and structural limitations as the annex building of the 63 Building was designed in the early 1980s, the mechanical functions of the building such as insulation and heating and cooling system were enhanced and intended programs were implemented through expansion, heavy repairs, and alternation of use to convert the 63 Building, which had faced functional deterioration and loss of symbolic image, into the highest class intelligent office building with advanced features. For the remodeling of the 63 Building, which is the head office of Hanhwa Life, advanced technology called ‘remodeling in inhabited condition’ was embodied for the first time in Korea to suggest a new direction for the remodeling of high-rise buildings in Korea.

  • Client
  • Location
    Site Area
    Gross Floor Area
    Total Floor
    B3, 60F
    Interior : Walker Group, Perkins+Will, 대혜건축